The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics

27th Annual Meeting

October 24-25, 2011
Haifa University


[Conference poster]

Monday, 24 October 2011

9:00-10:00   Registration and coffee
10:00-10:20   Welcoming remarks
10:20-11:20   ~Invited Speaker~
    Marina Nespor
      University of Milano-Bicocca
      (work in collaboration with Alan Langus)
      Different cognitive systems struggling for word order
11:20-11:40   Coffee break
11:40-12:20   Gabi Danon
      Bar Ilan University
      Agreement features and non-agreeing copulas in Modern Hebrew
12:20-13:00   Lena Ibnbari
      Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
      Russian gerundive gaps as topic drop
13:00-14:30   Lunch
14:30-15:10   Lior Laks
      Tel Aviv University
      Why do Verbs Change Their Form? A Morpho-Thematic Account
15:10-15:50   Aviya Hacohen, Dana Kozlowski & Ariel Cohen
      Ben-Gurion University
      Superlative Quantifiers as Speech Act Modifiers: Experimental Evidence from Hebrew
15:50-16:30   Chen Gafni
      Tel-Aviv University
      The role of Consonant Harmony in child language
16:30-16:50   Coffee break
Special session: sign language
16:50-17:00   Wendy Sandler
      Haifa University
      Introduction to the Sign Language sessions
17:00-17:40   Vadim Kimmelman
      University of Amsterdam
      Doubling in RSL and NGT -- a unified account
17:40-18:20   Christina Healy, Svetlana Dachkovsky & Wendy Sandler
      Haifa University
      The Universal and the Particular in Sign Language Prosody
19:00   Conference Dinner

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

9:30-10:30   ~Invited Speaker~
    Bencie Woll
      University College London
      Using a linguistic savant's learning of British Sign Language to explore linguistic theory
10:30-10:50   Coffee break
10:50-11:30   Roland Pfau and Enoch Aboh
      University of Amsterdam
      Spatial adpositions in sign languages
11:30-12:10   Irit Meir, Wendy Sandler, Mark Aronoff, & Carol Padden
      University of Haifa, SUNY Stony Brook, UC California
      The Self-Organization of Lexical Domains in Sign Language
12:10-12:30   Business Meeting
12:30-13:40   Lunch
13:40-14:20   Yaron McNabb
      University of Chicago
      Hebrew Definite Marking as Post-Syntactic Local Dislocation
14:20-15:00   Dina Orenstein
      Bar Ilan University
      The Hebrew be-sax ha-kol: An exclusive analysis of an approximative reading
15:00-15:20   Coffee break
15:20-16:00   Keren Kharizman and Yael Greenberg
      Bar Ilan University
      Bixlal: A general strengthening operator in Hebrew
16:00-16:40   Micha Y. Breakstone
      Massachusetts Institute of Technology / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
      Inherent Evaluativity
16:40-17:20   Galit W. Sassoon
      University of Amsterdam
      A slightly modified economy principle: Stable properties have non-stable standards
176:30   Reception

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Page created and maintained by Yehuda Falk; last updated 23 October 2011.
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