The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics

Proceedings of IATL 17

Table of Contents

Dick Bury, University College London
Clause Typing Effects of Verb Movement

Ariel Cohen, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Existential Generics
[abstract] [paper]

Gabi Danon, Tel Aviv University
The Hebrew Object Marker and Semantic Type
[abstract] [paper]

Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin, University VII Paris
Invited Speaker
Adverbs of Quantification and Genericity
[abstract] [paper]

Yehuda Falk, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Constituent Structure and Grammatical Functions in the Hebrew Action Nominal
[abstract] [paper]

Anna Feldman, Ohio State University
Comitative and Plural Pronoun Constructions
[abstract]  [paper]

Leah Paltiel-Gedalyovich, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Children's Knowledge of Non-truth-conditional Conventional Meaning:  Evidence from the Contrastive Element of aval ('but')
[abstract]  [paper]

Nancy Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
MAX-Position Motivates Iterative Footing

Edward Keenan, University of California, Los Angeles
Invited Speaker
Explaining the Historical Creation of Reflexive Pronouns in English

Manfred Krifka, Humbold University Berlin
Invited Speaker
Speech Acts and Truth Conditional Meaning

Jeannette Schaeffer and Dorit Ben Shalom, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Grammatical and Pragmatic Properties of Subjects in Hebrew Child Language

Jeannette Schaeffer, Galina Gordishevsky, Galit Hadar, and Aviya Hacohen, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Subjects in English-speaking Children with Specific Language Impairment
[abstract] [paper]

Tal Siloni, Tel Aviv University
Reciprocal Verbs
[abstract] [paper]

Veerle van Geenhoven, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen
Frequency and Habituality as Distributed Iterativity

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