The Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics

Proceedings of IATL 25
Table of Contents

Pranav Anand, University of California, Santa Cruz
Adventures in Modal Modification

Rajesh Bhatt, University of Massachusetts, and Radek Šimík, University of Groningen
Variable binding and the Person Case Constraint

Nora Boneh, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Léa Nash, Université Paris VIII
A higher applicative: evidence from French
[abstract]   [paper]

Gabi Danon, Bar Ilan University
Agreement with quantified nominals: implications for feature theory

David Erschler, The Independent University of Moscow
Modularity and 2P clitics: Arguments from Digor Ossetic
[abstract]   [paper]

Noam Faust, Université Paris VII
Theoretical implications of weak-final verbs in Modern Hebrew

Yael Greenberg, Bar Ilan University
Additivity with Events
[abstract]   [paper]

Olga Gupol, Susan Rothstein, and Sharon Armon-Lotem, Bar Ilan University
Comprehension of the Aspectual Distinctions in L1 Russian in Russian-Hebrew bilinguals

Aviya Hacohen, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
On the (changing?) status of the mass/count distinction in Hebrew: Evidence from acquisition
[abstract]   [paper]

Sabine Iatridou, MIT, and Hedde Zeijlstra, Universiteit van Amsterdam
On the scopal interaction of negation and deontic modals: revealing a mystery

Olga Kagan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
More on Intensional Aspect: The Particle Bylo in Russian in Comparison with the English Progressive

Olga Kagan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Asya Pereltsvaig, Stanford University
Syntax and Semantics of Bare NPs: Complements of Intensive Resultatives in Russian

Lior Laks, Tel Aviv University
The Formation of Arabic Passive Verbs: Lexical or Syntactic?
[abstract]   [paper]

Maria Polinsky, Harvard University
Ergativity Revisited

Galit Sassoon, ILLC, University of Amsterdam & Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Multidimensional adjectives versus nouns

Erika Varis, University of Southern California
"Complimentary" Heads in Spanish: Syntactic Phonology
[abstract]   [paper]

Ziva Wijler, Tel Aviv University
The syntax of discourse -- Contrast adverb-argument constituents in Hebrew

Hedde Zeijlstra, Universiteit van Amsterdam
One Way to Agree

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