The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics

Proceedings of IATL 21
Table of Contents

Sharon Armon-Lotem, Bar-Ilan University
Subject-object asymmetry and specificity effects in children's comprehension of sentences containing logical words

Norah Boneh, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A third viewpoint aspect in Syrian Arabic

Pavel Braginsky and Susan Rothstein, Bar-Ilan University
Imperfective accomplishments in Russian The 'bit-by-bit' modification
[abstract]   [paper]

Henriëtte de Swart, Utrecht University, Yoad Winter, The Technion, and Joost Zwarts, Radboud University Nijmegen/Utrecht University
Syntax and semantics in the interpretation of Dutch predicate nominals

Aviya Hacohen, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The psychological reality of the telic/atelic distinction: Evidence from adult and child Hebrew
[abstract]   [paper]

Olga Kagan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Genitive Case: A Modal Account
[abstract]   [paper]

Malka Rappaport-Hovav, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Beth Levin, Stanford University
Not all dative verbs are created equal

Mori Rimon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sentiment classification: Linguistic and non-linguistic issues
[abstract]   [paper]

Lisa Rochman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The phonology of floating quantifier placement
[abstract]   [paper]

Galit W. Sassoon, Tel Aviv University
Typicality: An improved semantic analysis
[abstract]   [paper]

Khalil Sima'an, University of Amsterdam
Between Computational Linguistics and computation for Linguistics

Takashi Toyoshima, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Preemptive move toward elimination of lexical subarray: Dynamic economy
[abstract]   [paper]

Joost Zwarts, Radboud University Nijmegen/Utrecht University
The case of prepositions

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